Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Voice

The voice… yes the voice. It was louder now. It is speaking to him. He had tried to avoid it all day, but it has followed him and it has got to him at last. He could not move his legs… His hands were paralyzed. The voice… it has held him down with some invisible force.
It cleared its throat…

‘Hi there?’ it said. That was his own voice, wasn’t it?

‘Tell me one thing you… What have you done lately? What is your grand plan about this so-called Life?

Ah! I guessed it.. Lost! Aren’t you? Trying hard to make sense of everything. Trying hard to hold on. You have everything now. Everything that you had needed in order to accomplish that what is required, to do what you had planned since your childhood, to chase your dreams. Heh! But you won’t do it. You are too comfortable in your ordinary existence. You chose to settle in for this mediocrity and pass up the chance to do what you had wanted to do… because that’s easier.

They have started accepting you. They are not talking behind your back about you anymore. They are not bombarding you with questions about your future. You have become one of them, void of dreams. You are not challenging them anymore with your ideologies. You are not shocking them anymore with your decisions. Wow! You have fit into their social construct so perfectly.
You hate it, don’t you? But You don’t have the will. Not enough to actually make a change for what its worth. Like a dog tied to a pole barking at everything… which has just realized that its rope has been cut and it can run away but pretends that he still is tied up for he is afraid. He doesn’t know what to do once he goes out there. Fear of being left out and die alone.

Courage is a rare thing. You don’t have it or do you?

Your eccentricities are what makes you unique. Do not ever trade them for accepted behavior.’


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